Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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BASIC Source File
236 lines
' Written by Steve Jackson
' 9152 Brabham Dr.
' Huntington Beach, CA 92646
' This is meant to be called from your form objects. In turn, these
' functions call routines in PXMODULE.BAS that access Paradox. I
' tried to isolate all Paradox specific code there in case you want
' to change your app to some other DBMS later (SQL Server, xbase, etc.)
' or it you don't like it and want to change it...
Function StartUp () As Integer
' Initialize the database system, with a user id
' open all tables
rc = DBInit("vvdemo")
' If table open fails, pxerror() routine displays a message,
' then we shut down
' If you create an EXE for this program,
' you can code this to get directory where
' the program is. Otherwise use the global constant
' because at development time CurDir$ tells you where
' Visual Basic is, not your project.
' ***** db_dir$ = CurDir$ *****
db_dir$ = DEFAULT_DB_DIR
tbl_name$ = db_dir$ + "\customer"
rc = TableOpen(CUSTOMER_TABLE, tbl_name$)
If rc Then
rc = DBExit()
End If
tbl_name$ = db_dir$ + "\item"
rc = TableOpen(ITEM_TABLE, tbl_name$)
If rc Then
rc = DBExit()
End If
StartUp = DB_OK
End Function
Function Shutdown () As Integer
' Terminate the database system, close tables
' this is invoked at program end time
rc = DBExit()
Shutdown = rc
End Function
Function GetCustomerRec (ByVal Action%) As Integer
' Get the customer record and move all fields to
' a record buffer that is global
If Action% = DBKEYED Then
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 1, custrec.custnumber)
End If
rc = GetRec(CUSTOMER_TABLE, Action%)
' Assume the error handling function traps fatal errors and
' ends the program. Here we assume any error is of the expected
' variety, such as not-found, end-of-file, duplicate-key, etc.
If rc = DB_NOTFOUND Then
GetCustomerRec = rc
Msg$ = "Customer not found for this customer number"
MsgBox Msg$, MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Get Customer"
Exit Function
End If
' Assume that if there is still and error, it is at end or
' start of file. Just beep, but do not display any msg
If rc Then
GetCustomerRec = rc
Exit Function
End If
' Move fields from paradox to the record buffer
' The fields are NOT on the form at this point
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 1, custrec.custnumber)
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 2, custrec.lastname)
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 3, custrec.firstname)
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 4, custrec.address)
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 5, custrec.city)
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 6, custrec.zip)
rc = GetShortField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 7, custrec.tapes_out)
rc = GetNumField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 8, custrec.total_spent)
GetCustomerRec = DB_OK
End Function
Function UpdateCustomerRec () As Integer
' Write the current record back to the database.
' Assume no-one else has changed the positioning since
' the time we got the record, and when the update takes place.
' Note: this may be a dangerous assumption in Windows...
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 1, custrec.custnumber)
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 2, custrec.lastname)
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 3, custrec.firstname)
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 4, custrec.address)
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 5, custrec.city)
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 6, custrec.zip)
rc = PutShortField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 7, custrec.tapes_out)
rc = PutNumField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 8, custrec.total_spent)
rc = UpdateRec(CUSTOMER_TABLE)
UpdateCustomerRec = rc
If rc Then
Msg$ = "Update failed, reason code: " + Str$(rc)
MsgBox Msg$, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, "Update Customer"
End If
rc = UnlockRec(CUSTOMER_TABLE)
End Function
Function AddCustomerRec () As Integer
' Write the record to the database.
' Assume no-one else has already added one with this key.
' Note: this may be a dangerous assumption in Windows...
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 1, custrec.custnumber)
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 2, custrec.lastname)
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 3, custrec.firstname)
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 4, custrec.address)
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 5, custrec.city)
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 6, custrec.zip)
rc = PutShortField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 7, custrec.tapes_out)
rc = PutNumField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 8, custrec.total_spent)
AddCustomerRec = rc
' assume serious errors were trapped in pxerror()
' if the add fails, assume it is a duplicate key
If rc Then
Msg$ = "ADD failed - there is already a customer with this number"
MsgBox Msg$, MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Add Customer"
End If
AddCustomerRec = rc
End Function
Function DeleteCustomerRec () As Integer
' Write the current record back to the database.
' Assume no-one else has changed the positioning since
' the time we got the record, and when the update takes place.
' Note: this may be a dangerous assumption in Windows...
' Just move the key field to the record buffer
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 1, custrec.custnumber)
rc = DeleteRec(CUSTOMER_TABLE)
' assume serious errors were trapped in pxerror()
' if the delete fails, assume it was already deleted
If rc Then
Msg$ = "DELETE failed - Customer was already deleted"
MsgBox Msg$, MB_ICONEXLAMATION, "Delete Customer"
End If
DeleteCustomerRec = rc
End Function
Function GetCustomerRecForUpdate () As Integer
' Get the customer record by key value,
' and place a record lock on it.
' Move all fields to a record buffer that is global
rc = PutAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 1, custrec.custnumber)
' Assume the error handling function traps fatal errors and
' ends the program. Here we assume any error is of the expected
' variety, such as not-found, end-of-file, duplicate-key, etc.
If rc Then
GetCustomerRecForUpdate = rc
Msg$ = "Customer record was not found for this customer number"
MsgBox Msg$, MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Get Customer"
Exit Function
End If
' Place the lock,
' if it fails, try again until user quits
If rc Then
GetCustomerRecForUpdate = rc
Msg$ = "Customer record is locked by someone else"
MsgBox Msg$, MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Get Customer"
Exit Function
End If
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 1, custrec.custnumber)
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 2, custrec.lastname)
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 3, custrec.firstname)
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 4, custrec.address)
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 5, custrec.city)
rc = GetAlphaField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 6, custrec.zip)
rc = GetShortField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 7, custrec.tapes_out)
rc = GetNumField(CUSTOMER_TABLE, 8, custrec.total_spent)
GetCustomerRecForUpdate = DB_OK
End Function